Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Alton Brown's Scones

I am trying to be better at having family breakfast time. With Julia starting preschool I realized that I want our family at least a few days out of the week to have breakfast together (actually sitting and talking about our day ahead of us). But I am not the best early riser and if I do get up early then the kids get up with me. So I decided I am on the look for recipes that don't take too long to pull together first thing in the morning. This recipe took about 30 minutes from the time I started until we were ready to eat them.
I served these scones with homemade peach jam (I did use a little less sugar and added a splash of vanilla to my jam) so I didn't add any dried fruit to scones nor did I put a glaze on top. I rolled them into a square about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. Then I just cut mine because I couldn't find my biscuit cutter and they worked just fine. These scones were a little sweet and very light from the pieces of butter and shortening. (Make sure that your butter is cold and your shortening if possible.)

1 comment:

  1. just wanted you to know that i always read your blog...sometimes i wonder if people are really out there reading mine, so i just had to give you a shout out! love all the great recipes! thanks for sharing!!
